Its worth a visit

Sand Martins arrive back at local colony.

26/03/2014 13:51

4 Sand Martins where flying around the small colony nesting site at Ossett this morning.Also 3 Chiff Chaffs are singing in the area around Kerries food factory but little else in the way of migrants.

On Dewsbury Sewage works just 38 Teal,2 Shoveller and 16 Mallard and one Widgeon Also 8 Tufted ducks and 11 Coot.Also 5 Commonn Snipe and 2 Oyster Catcher on the works.

48 Pied Wagtails where on the filter beds of the Sewage works but as yet no whites amongst them.

A Water Rail was calling from the first Phragmitese bed on the sewage works.

Kerries reserve was quiet as the feeders where still empty.Just 2 Bullfinch,2 Great Spotted Woodpecker.8 Great tits and 6 Blue Tits.A single female Sparrow Hawk was on Kerries Reserve.

