Its worth a visit

Sand Martins return to local colonies on the Calder

29/03/2017 13:26

Although Sand Martins have been recorded on local sites for a short while now not all the new arrivals are local birds and many depart to their local sites after a good feed up in preperation for the breeding season ahead.3 birds where inspecting burrows on one of our local colonies yesterday and 7 birds where inspecting nesting holes at the same site today.

3 Shellducks where on a lagoon near Hotworks Mill Earlsheaton yesterday and there is now 3 Oyster Catchers displaying along the river Calder near old Bank Thornhill.3 Chiff Chaffs are in full song between Horbury and Dewsbury presumably these are new birds and not any of the 5 individuals that have been wintering near and around Dewsbury Sewage Works.

Just below Earlsheaton duck numbers are the same as in the previouse week with 4 Gadwal,3 Shoveller,38 Teal,18 Mallard and 2 Tufted Ducks.Hopefully more will arrive in time for the new breeding season.

A single Green Sandpiper and a Common Snipe are on Dewsbury Sewage Works.

