Its worth a visit

Singing Willow warblers and Common Sandpiper a welcome sign of the approaching Summer

17/04/2013 11:22

There are 4 singing Willow Warblers on Mill Bank Thornhill this morning.Also 6 Gadwall and 2 Shoveller on Dewsbury sewage Works this morning.No sign of the 52 Teal present yesterday.

Also on Dewsbury Sewage Works single Little Ringed Plover and 2 Oyster catchers.2 Male Blackcaps are on Kerries Reserve with 3 singing Chiff Chaff.A Curlew flew South at 10 :15 from Dewsbury Sewage works

Swalow numbers are slightly down on yesterday with around 120 birds along with some 15 Sand Martins and just a handful of House Martins.A single Kingfisher was on the River Calder  around the Healy Road Ossett area and a single Common Sandpiper passed Kerries Reserve at 10:15 this morning.6 Canada Geese are loitering on Dewsbury Sewage Works and a single Common Snipe was flushed near the site of the old hide.

