Its worth a visit

Siskins in the Rectory Park this morning

19/09/2012 19:25

What a differnce 24 hours makes.Today was a much clearer and windier day and it showed significantly in the bird numbers.

Yesterdays House Martin passage was much reduced with around 500 birds moving Westerly this morning.Swallows were much reduced with only around 150 noted again moving steadily Westwards in small groups.

There is still 3 Chiff Chaffs in the Rectory Park at Thornhill with again around 15 Swallows hawking over the park for about half hour.

3 Nutatches were in the central copse with 10 Long Tailed Tits,a single Jay and around 5 Blackbirds and 3 Mistle Thrushes.

3 Siskins flew into the top of large trees near the Golf Course before moving off South

A single Redpoll flew South at Dewsbury Sewage Woeks at 10:35

There is still 5 Chiff Chaffs on Kerries Reservewith also a single Sparrow Hawk noted this morning.

