Its worth a visit

Small birds scarce in the valley this morning but Waterfowl doing OK

02/12/2014 13:05

There are now some 20 Shovellers on Dewsbury Sewage Works with 68 Mallard and 85 Teal.Also this morning 48 Common Snipe though I suspect this number would increase if one could access some of the more inaccessable sewage beds.

On the Sprinkler beds this morning some 178 Pied Wagtails,3 Grey wagtails and 8 Meadow Pipits.

On the river calder between Ossett and Dewsbury some 10 Goldeneye,3 Goosander and 2 Little grebes.

Small birds seem just about non existant at the moment.Despite several feeders at variouse sites there was virtualy no small birds at alll apart from a single Robin on Kerries and a pair of Bullfinch on Kerries Reserve.

Also on Kerries 2 Grey Heron and single Kestrel.

