Its worth a visit

Some more local sightings from Thursday 18th October

19/10/2012 06:32

Thornhill Edge 10:30 to 12:30  as follows

3 Common Buzzards,1 Sparrow Hawk,2 Kestrels,74 Redwing flying South,6 Blackbirds South.42 Goldfinch feeding in garden oppossite Black Horse Inn.12 Lesser black back  Gulls flewWest and 8 common gulls also flew west.54 Black headed gulls passed in a south Easterly direction,8 Lapwing wentSouth East and 70 Wood Pigeon flew east.

Horbury Wyke 16:30 to17:15

6 Mallard and 2 Canada Geese were on the main flash as well as 13 Lapwing,3 Cormorant,18 Moorhen,2 Heron and 3 Stock Doves and 3 Mistle Thrushes.

10 Redwings were feeding on a hedge on Ducksford Lane with 80 Goldfinches feeding nearby,

22 Starlings flew west and 3 Jays were heading in a southerly direction.

Ossett Spa Sewage Works 17:30 to dark had 18 Widgeon,6 Teal,10 Mallard,7 Moorhen and a single Little Grebe. (records courtesey of JR Smithson,)

