Its worth a visit

Some recent local records

24/07/2012 10:50

There is a flock of some 72 Lapwings in the fields around Mill Bank Thornhill.These birds seem to be transitting between Horbury Wyke and our area.

A female Yellow wagtail is on Dewsbury sewage works ths morning hanging around on the filter beds at the Eastern part of the works.

There are signs that the annual build up of Phylloscapus warblers is starting on Kerries Reserve with about 15 birds feeding(as last year) on the Giant Hogweed on the western end of the reserve near the sewage works fence.

The damage to the Reed warbler colony on Dewsbury Sewage works appeared to have halted as no more of the bed has been interfered with.

The work on the new in road to Desbury Sewage works appears to be having a seiouse effect on the bird life with no signs of the Oyster Catchers or any other type of wading birds present on the works this morning.


