Its worth a visit

Summer visitors continue to arrive albeit a little slowly.

25/04/2016 11:05

There are now 3 Lesser Whitethroats singing in the area just below Pildacre Ossett.Once you are familiar with the short rattling outburst of song they are easily located.The easiest one is near the enclosed security gate just at the side of the car park at Kerries foods factory.

Also there are now 5 singing Reed Warblers and 1 Sedge Warbler on Dewsbury Sewage Works together with 3 Common Whitethroats.So far these are about half the totals which bred there last year so it is hoped there are still more to arrive.

A Curlew flew West up the valley this morning at around 08:00 and this is the second one this week.

2 Male Blackcaps are still on Kerries copse as are 2 Common Whitethroats.

3 Oyster Catchers are still frequenting the Calder round about the Earls Heaton area and there is a single Reed Warbler singing in the copse at Kerries foods.

Birds are still coming to our feeders in Ossett with this morning 1 Willow Tit,5 Great Tits,4 Blue Tits,3 Chaffinch,2 Reed Buntings and still 5 Robins.2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers are frequenting the river bank oppositte the Willow plantation off Healy Road Ossett.

