Its worth a visit

Swallows return to local sites

08/04/2015 13:43

A Swallow male was at Dewsbury Sewage Works at 10:30 this morning.Also a male Swallow was on the wires at Chidswell farm Shaw Cross Dewsbury at 11:55.

Elsewhere 3 Chiff Chaff were singing on Kerries reserve Ossett this morning.

Nearby on Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning still 78 Teal,18 Shoveller and 38 Mallard.A single Green Sandpiper is on the river Calder near Earlsheaton.

3 Oyster Catcher are displaying on the filter beds of the Sewage works and 2 Common Buzzards where over Earlsheaton at 09:15 being mobbed by Jackdaws .

There was 2 pair of Kestrels displaying this morning.1 pair over Kerries Foods Reserve and another pair over dewsbury Sewage Works

6 pairs of Sand Martins are back at the colony site at Ossett and a further 4 pairs are inspecting holes below Thornhill Mill Bank

If the present weather conditions prevail other Summer Migrants can be expected.

