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Swifts out in strength but high water levels on the River Calder have tragic consequences for new Sand Martin colonies

02/06/2015 18:12

Around 1000+ Swifts together with around 450 House Martins and 250 Sand Martins plus around 140 Swallows where hawking over the compost heaps below Pildacre Chickenley this morning.The numbers if anything increased with the approaching heavy cloud which built up around 10:45 as birds began hawking almost at ground level.

A pair of Oyster Catchers that have been vigilantly sat on eggs in nearbysewage beds have now been disturbed and are no longer present.These birds where constantly watched over by around 20-25 Carrion Crows just waiting for the birds to leave the nest and it would appear this has happened.

Nearby it would appear that around 15 to 20 nesting holes on the banks of the River Calder part of a new Sand Martin colony have been submerged by rising water levels and caround another 10 holes are within inches of suffering the same fate.Birds in spite of this are still entering the nesting holes but with rain again forecast the outlook looks bleak.At least with the nesting season not too much advanced there will be time for the birds to try again in more secure nesting burrows.

A Reed Warbler has arrived on Kerries Reserve Ossett and was singing this morning.This goes along with 8 singing males on Dewsbury Sewage works and with 6 singing Sedge Warblers marks a slight increase on the previouse year.There is a single Little Ringed Plover and 3 Lapwings on Dewsbury Sewage works.

