Its worth a visit

Thornhill Millbank and Kerries Foods copse on Friday 12th of October (early evening)

15/10/2012 06:42

There is a Crow roost on Millbank Thornhill at the moment with an estimated 200 Jackdaws and some 160 Carrion Crows present at 19:00 hours.There was 4 Jays present in Thornhill rectory Park at 16:00 hours with 3 Mistle Thrushes  and a party of 22 Linnets.

Thornhill Cricket Field held 42 Pied Wagtails at 16:45 hours.

On the River Calder near Earlsheaton some 45 Mallard,4 Teal,4 Goosander(redheads)7 Moorhen and 2 grey herons.2 Sparrow Hawks were over the Hotworks Mill area at 16:50 hours.

