Its worth a visit

Todays local birding news

02/05/2012 11:24

With the wind coming from the North this morning Hirrundines and Swifts were still in good numbers.Swallows were slightly reduced from yesterday with some 750 birds on the sprinkler beds but Swifts had increases dramaticaly with at least 650/700 birds over the filters and also over the compost heaps near the border fence.House Martins were about the same at around 400.

Whitethroats have increased also with 2 singing birds on Kerries Foods reserve and 3 birds on Dewsbury Sewage Works

2 Common Sandpipers were flying upstream on the calder this morning near Hotworks mill and a single Reed warbler was again singing from the Phragmitese on the sewage works.There is still 2 Oyster catcher and a single Green Sandpiper on Dewsbury Sewage works

