Its worth a visit

Todays local birding news

03/05/2012 19:45

Hirrundines ans Swifts are still feeding in good numbers on Dewsbury Sewage Works.Allthough slightly reduced there are still some 650/700 Swallows,around 600 Swifts and some 350 House martins.Elsewhere there are now 3 Whitethroats on Kerries Foods reserve at Ossett with 3 singing male Blackcaps.There are also 2singing Whitethroats at the bottom of Healy Lane Ossett by the iron foot bridge.Conspicouse by their absence are Sedge Warblers on the reserve which this time last year had several singing males.

There was a noticeable passage of Lesser Black Backed gulls to the South East this afternoon.

There is also a very impressive gathering of bees on Kerries reserve from a distance looking like a huge brown pear hanging from a tree just above the bee hives.

