Its worth a visit

Tree Pipit present for second day and first Widgeon appear on Sewage works this Autumn

17/09/2014 16:42

The Pipit found yesterday feeding in a small plantation next to the border fence with Dewsbury Sewage works(and later identified as a Tree Pipit) was again present this afternoon in the same area.

Meanwhile on the works itself a total of some 68 Pied Wagtails on the filter beds with 3 Grey Wagtails.

On the wires below Pildacre fields and just behind the Yorkshire Watef office complex 2 parties of Starlings one a party of some 145 birds and the other a party of some 160 birds.

Ducks are still slightly on the increase with still 78 Teal,58 Mallard 6 Tufted Ducks,14 Shoveller and for the first time this Autumn 2 Widgeon(male and female).

28 Snipe where on the central beds and 3 Green Sandpipers where present also.A party of 34 House Martins where hawking over the main filter beds for a short while but these rose out of site after a few minutes.



