Its worth a visit

Tuesday 26th March highlights

31/03/2013 13:12

2 Wattled Plover were displaying over the compound first thing at 07:30 as were 2 very aerobatic Shikra .Black Kites are carrying nesting material from the compound and a single Lanner is patrolling the sky directly above.There is a shortage of domestic chickens here at the moment caused by some mystery illness which is killing large numbers of the birds.4 Brown Babblers are feeding on some purposely left bread pieces from the night before giving excellent photographs and 4 plantain eaters are gliding from one compound to the next calling loudly.

A Lanner swooped low into the compound at 09:45 to try and get a Laughing Dove but the alarm was raised by ouir resident rooster cockerel and the lanner left empty handed.

a Yellowe fronted Tinkerbird is calling from the next compound and 2 African Harrier Hawks are rising slowly in to the sky displaying as they go and giving  good photoshoot.

It is nice to hear an African Golden Oriole calling from within our largest Mango Tree this morning.


A Red Necked falcon is soaring with a party of 8 Pied Crows above the compound and African Thrush and 8 Firefinches(3 males) are on the path leading to the bathroom at 10:35 4 Beautifull Sunbirds and 8 Bronze Winged Mannakins have been feeding in the garden this morning

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