Its worth a visit

Visitors notice

20/12/2009 19:31

The introduction of the new licencing system must be counted as been a great success.This was very noticeable on my most recent trip to the Gambia from thec 15th to 22nd of March

Anyone walking from Kololi down towards Kotu severl months ago would undoubtably have been surrounded and presssurised by any number of giudes fo their buisness.On my most recent walk in this area I came across only one guide who was very pleasant and informative and after a very brief exchange I was continuing my walk to Kotu.

At Kotu itself only 4 or 5 guides were in the office and these people too conducted themselves in ac ver polite and more orderly manner.It has to be said that ther is now a much more noticeable military prescence in the area and this is no doubt contributing to thesituation.We saw at least 1 unlicensed giude being removed from the site very positively indeed.

So lets hope this more orderly approach will continue asd it will undoubtedly bring about more buisness for the local licensed guides and will createa much more relaxed environment for the birder and casual tourist.




20/04/2015 19:10

2 whitethroats singing on local reserve this afternoon

2 Common Whitethroats where singing on Kerries Reserve Ossett this afternoon and are the first local Whitethroats to appear on my local patch. Also on Kerries Reserve this afternoon 6 singing Chiff Chaffs and 2 singing Willow warblers. Nearby on Dewsbury Sewage works 28 Tufted ducks and 5 Gadwall....


16/04/2015 06:48

Hirrundines gather at local site

Around 400 Hirrundines where over thew sprinkler beds of Dewsbury Sewage Works yesterday. These consisted of some 340 Swallows,around 40 House Martins and just about20 Sand Martins.No doubt the heavy cloud conditions played its part in concentrating the birds there. There are now 17 Tufted Ducks on...


14/04/2015 16:21

Willow warbler singing on local Sewage works

A Willow Warbler was singing in the centre of Dewsbury Sewage works this afternoon.Of all the birds that signal the arrival of Summer Time the Willow Warbler takes a little beating.Mill Bank Thornhill is usualy a good place to hear Willow Warblers in song as they filter in to the valley during the...


08/04/2015 13:43

Swallows return to local sites

A Swallow male was at Dewsbury Sewage Works at 10:30 this morning.Also a male Swallow was on the wires at Chidswell farm Shaw Cross Dewsbury at 11:55. Elsewhere 3 Chiff Chaff were singing on Kerries reserve Ossett this morning. Nearby on Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning still 78 Teal,18 Shoveller...


02/04/2015 18:12

Local news Buzzards again showing well over Ossett and Thornhill

2 Buzzards where soaring over Ossett at 14:30 hours this afternoon.These where followed by a further 5 Buzzards over the Willow plantations below Hostingley Lane Thornhill at 16:15 hours. Nearby there are now 24 Shovellers on Dewsbury Sewage works together with 8 Tufted Ducks and 78 Teal.all the...


02/04/2015 13:54

Another ringed Lesser Black Back Gull found spotted wearing a ring found on Tanji Beach Gambia

A Lesser Black Backed gull of the race Fuscus was found to have been ringed in Norway.The bird was originaly ringed in a colony in Central Norway in theTrandelag district.More details will be pulished as they appear.


26/03/2015 20:58

Dead White Stork found in Gambia with Czech Republic ring.

Reports came in yesterday of a dead White Stork found inthe Gambia wearing a Czech republi c ring.This species is turning up more and more inthe Gambia and this laest find gives a clue to the origin of these birds.


24/03/2015 21:00

Good news from home

A Record of 5 Common Buzzards over Hostingley Lane Thornhill Dewsbury on the 15th of March is an excellent record andisfurther proof of the excellent spread of the species in our area.


24/03/2015 20:55

38 Little Terns nice to see on Bart Cuckfield Beach today.

Aparty of some 38 Little Terns contained 9 ringed birds this morning.One bird was colour ringed and hopefully the details will be released shortly.A great deal of Little Tern study is going on T tbe moment both in the Uk and in Senegal West Africa


19/03/2015 21:44

A visit to a remote colony of breeding Caspian Terns with strange amount of eggs predation

A very impressive visit to a colony of Caspian Terns ona remote island off the coast of Sennagambia wasmarred by the puzzling site of high numbers of  predated eggs.There has been no known records of Pied  Crows visiting this isla d and there are norats or other land mammals.A more...
