Its worth a visit

Visitors notice

20/12/2009 19:31

The introduction of the new licencing system must be counted as been a great success.This was very noticeable on my most recent trip to the Gambia from thec 15th to 22nd of March

Anyone walking from Kololi down towards Kotu severl months ago would undoubtably have been surrounded and presssurised by any number of giudes fo their buisness.On my most recent walk in this area I came across only one guide who was very pleasant and informative and after a very brief exchange I was continuing my walk to Kotu.

At Kotu itself only 4 or 5 guides were in the office and these people too conducted themselves in ac ver polite and more orderly manner.It has to be said that ther is now a much more noticeable military prescence in the area and this is no doubt contributing to thesituation.We saw at least 1 unlicensed giude being removed from the site very positively indeed.

So lets hope this more orderly approach will continue asd it will undoubtedly bring about more buisness for the local licensed guides and will createa much more relaxed environment for the birder and casual tourist.




31/03/2014 07:48

Lesser Black Backed Gull on Gambian beach bearing leg ring had been ringed in Finland as a chick fresh from the nest the previous year.

An immature Lesser Black Backed Gull on Tanji Beach Gambia on the12th of October was found to have been ringed in a place called Maksamaa near Helsinki the previouse Year in July as a chick fresh from the nest.To reach Tanji Beach in the gambia the bird had travelled 6338 Kilometres in a cSouth...


30/03/2014 18:09

Migrants still slow to appear localy.

Apart from the few Sand Martins and 3 singing Chiff Chaff on Kerries Reserve at Ossett migrants are still proving to be slow at arriving on our local area. Still 58 Teal,11 Tufted ducks and 2 Shovellers on the local sewage works at Dewsbury.Also this morning 3 Water Rails calling at different...


26/03/2014 13:51

Sand Martins arrive back at local colony.

4 Sand Martins where flying around the small colony nesting site at Ossett this morning.Also 3 Chiff Chaffs are singing in the area around Kerries food factory but little else in the way of migrants. On Dewsbury Sewage works just 38 Teal,2 Shoveller and 16 Mallard and one Widgeon Also 8 Tufted...


13/03/2014 15:00

Pintail on Sewage works this morning and local Buzzards showing well.

A female Pintail was flushed from one of the lagoons on Dewsbury Sewage works this morning at 10:40.The bird rose up and flew off in an Easterly direction towards Horbury Bridge. Also this morning 10 shovellers,62 Teal,26 Mallard,and 3 Mute Swans.6 Reed Buntings where feeding near the central...


06/03/2014 21:13

Chiff Chaff in full song this morning at Ossett

A Chiff Chaff is in full song in the area around the bottom of Healy Road Ossett today.Also in a rather quiet morning 3 Goosanders on the Calder just by the Iron footbridge at the same spot.


04/03/2014 19:06

Duck numbers still reasonable on the Local Sewage Works

Despite mild weather and the approaching Spring duck numbers on Dewsbury Sewage Works are still reasonable.A decent number of Teal at around 98 where presentv this morningand these where scattered all around the waterlogged beds at the Western end of the works.Also on the first lagoon 8...


02/03/2014 19:02

Ringed Lesser Black Backed Gull no 99 if observed on Tanji Beach Gambia today.

An Adult Lesser Black Backed Gull of the Scandanavian race fuscus was observed on Tanji Beach Gambia today bearing a Finnish leg ring.The bird was ringed on the 8th of July 2002 in Pietarsaari Finland.This individual was the 99th recorded ringed Lesser Black Backed Gull at Tanji and Bijol Island...


27/02/2014 23:00

Oystercatcher returns to its breeding area. Another sign that Spring is on its way

The first Oystercatcher of the Spring arrived on the banks of the River calder this afternoon flying noisily between Healy Road Ossett and Earlsheaton continualy and callong persistantly. On the Filter beds at dewsbury Sewage Works c140 Pied Wagtails along with 3 Grey Wagtails .Also on the filter...


18/02/2014 16:46

Returning Pink Feet remind us that Spring is on its way

66 Pink Footed Geese flew over Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning at 10:05 flying North West. Also on dewsbury Sewage Works 118 Teal,6 Shoveller (4 males ),4 Tufted Ducks,22 Mallard.,24 Snipe 8 Reed Buntings.On the Calder between Healy Road Ossett and Earlsheaton 8 Goosander (2 pairs and 4...


09/02/2014 23:20

News from the Gambia.

Does anyone know the origin of a Blue color ringed Osprey startin k2.If so contact Clive Barlow at Also yesterday 6 Norwegian colour ringed Lesser Black Backed Gulls at a Beach Roost at Tanji
