Its worth a visit

Visitors notice

20/12/2009 19:31

The introduction of the new licencing system must be counted as been a great success.This was very noticeable on my most recent trip to the Gambia from thec 15th to 22nd of March

Anyone walking from Kololi down towards Kotu severl months ago would undoubtably have been surrounded and presssurised by any number of giudes fo their buisness.On my most recent walk in this area I came across only one guide who was very pleasant and informative and after a very brief exchange I was continuing my walk to Kotu.

At Kotu itself only 4 or 5 guides were in the office and these people too conducted themselves in ac ver polite and more orderly manner.It has to be said that ther is now a much more noticeable military prescence in the area and this is no doubt contributing to thesituation.We saw at least 1 unlicensed giude being removed from the site very positively indeed.

So lets hope this more orderly approach will continue asd it will undoubtedly bring about more buisness for the local licensed guides and will createa much more relaxed environment for the birder and casual tourist.




04/02/2014 21:22

High Water Levels concentrating Waterfowl on Local Sewage Works.

With the River calder being so high birds are spending much of the time on Dewsbury Sewage works Sewage Works  Teal  are the most numerouse with c 134 birds present today.38 Wigeon are also present this afternon preferring to spend most of their time at the Hotworks end of the...


22/01/2014 16:20

22/01/14 on my Local Patch

A walk around dewsbury sewage Works this afternoon produced the fllowing. 39 Wigeon(unprecedented for this site).3 Shoveller(2 males)87 Teal,1 Gadwall,38 Mallard(the latter mostly on the calder around the Earlsheaton area. There are 9 Goosanders on the Calder including 4 Males,4 Goldeneye and 4...


22/01/2014 16:15

Apologies for inactivity

I must say Sorry for not keeping this site updated recently. Having woke up on Boxing day with sliped disc in my back I have been bed ridden since that date and only ventured out today 22/01/14 for the first time this year.


18/01/2014 11:26

Colour Ringed Little Terns

My friend Clive Barlow in the Gambia is appealing for information on Colour Ringed Little Terns.The rings are not numbered and are just plain coloured.If anyone can provide information on these bird please will you get in touch so we can monitor these birds


05/01/2014 09:37

Recordings of Nightingale wanted

Has anyone got recordings of Nightingales singing in East Africa ?If so they are urgently wanted by Mr Clive Barlow in the Gambia.If you can help with this request please give details so we can get in touchand possibly exchange for Gambian Recordings.


13/12/2013 17:16

22nd Nov 2013 a trip to Bijol Island off the coast of Sennagambia

These islands are reached by small boat from a beach in Tanji and one has to enter the water both embarking and arriving. We are greeeted by large flocks of airborn birds as we arrive on the islands mainly Common and Caspian/Royal Terns mixes with good numbers of Lesser Black Backed Bulls. We are...


13/12/2013 16:49

21?11/2013 A trip to Tanji Beach to meet Clive Barlow

Conditions rather grey and windy but rather lively birdwise.There appears to be a noticeable passage of Palm Swifts heading North at the rate of something like 20 a minute over the Tanji Bird Reserve.There are 4 Blue bellied rollers sat on wires above the Reserve together with a single Lizzard...


11/12/2013 14:21

Chiff Chaffs on Kerries Reserve this morning

  There are 2 Chiff Chaffs on Kerries Reserve Ossett this morning. Both birds are feeding in the bushes directly below the compost heaps .Also 17 Long tailed Tits in the woodland nearest to the food factory. Nearby on Dewsbury Sewage works 58 Teal,4 Shoveller,29 Mallard and 16 Common...


11/12/2013 09:28

20/11/2013 A trip to Abuko Nature Reserve Gambia.

The reserve was surprisingly busy with visitors this morning. A Woodland Kingfisher was calling at the entrance to the Reserve.3 Palm Nut Vultures where circling above the main hide and a single Black Crowned Night Heron was in bushes on the oppositte bank of the main Lagoon.4 African Jacanas are...


11/12/2013 09:23

Hippopotamus shot dead at Mandinaba

A seven year old Hippopotamus has ben shot dead at Mandinaba on the 3rd of December.The animal had been deemed a nuisance trampling crops and endangering life between Mandinaba and Lamin village and so a hunter was sent in to destroy the animal.
