Its worth a visit

Visitors notice

20/12/2009 19:31

The introduction of the new licencing system must be counted as been a great success.This was very noticeable on my most recent trip to the Gambia from thec 15th to 22nd of March

Anyone walking from Kololi down towards Kotu severl months ago would undoubtably have been surrounded and presssurised by any number of giudes fo their buisness.On my most recent walk in this area I came across only one guide who was very pleasant and informative and after a very brief exchange I was continuing my walk to Kotu.

At Kotu itself only 4 or 5 guides were in the office and these people too conducted themselves in ac ver polite and more orderly manner.It has to be said that ther is now a much more noticeable military prescence in the area and this is no doubt contributing to thesituation.We saw at least 1 unlicensed giude being removed from the site very positively indeed.

So lets hope this more orderly approach will continue asd it will undoubtedly bring about more buisness for the local licensed guides and will createa much more relaxed environment for the birder and casual tourist.




11/09/2013 15:43

rectoryparkgonewild what a worthwhile project to be involved in.

A few hours were spent at Thornhill Recory Park yesterday afternoon with members of rectoryparkgonewild comitee to discus possible location of fedding stations for birds and similar projects.An open day is being held in the near future promoting the site.Anyone interested should visit...


11/09/2013 15:22

Northerly Winds make for colder birding but still things about.

10 Shoveller are on Dewsbury Sewage works this morning with 52 Teal and 8 Mallard.3 Common Snipe are on the bed nearest to Hotworks mill also.Thee is still 8 Chiff Chaffs in the area with 3 on Dewsbury Sewage works,5 on Kerries Reserve Ossett.1 Green Sandpiper is on the Cader near the bottom of...


08/09/2013 11:40

Osprey passes over Thornhill Edge Top (Dewsbury) this morning.

An Osptey was observed passing South over Edge Top this morning at 11:20 this morning (per JR Smithson).


06/09/2013 20:17

Heavy weather brings excellent sightings to local spot

Todays heavy ,overcast conditions and frequent rain brought for a good few hours birding at Ladywood Lake in Mirfield trhis afternoon.4 Common Terns dropped in to feed briefly at around 16:00 hours followed a few minutes later by 2 Black terns.There was also a steady flow of Hirrundines mainly...


04/09/2013 19:00

Generaly quiet this morning but both Whitethroat and Reed warblers still to be found localy

A Common Whitethroat was on Kerries Reserve Ossett this morning   also 5 Chiff Chaffs also on the Reserve.A single Reed warbler  and single Sedge warbleris still on the central beds at Dewsbury Sewage works with another 4 Chiff Chaffs present at the same sight.The increase in Pied Wagtail...


03/09/2013 22:00

Southerly winds bring out Buzzards flying south this morning

3 Common Buzzards flew South this morning in the space of 45 minutes.One bird was being continualy harrased by a rather large accipter(too distant for any proper identification).Also 4 Sparrow Hawks also high in the sky flew South between)9:00 and 10:20 over the same location. There are still 3...


01/09/2013 17:18

Cooler more windy conditions make for a typical Autumn type day

A sudden change in weather conditions in our area brings big differences inbird sightings on our local patch. A single Yellow Wagtail was on the circular holding tanks in the centre of Dewsbury sewage works this morning.Also on the nearby sprinkler beds some 86 Pied wagtails was a typical early...


29/08/2013 18:14

Party of Mandarins gives rise to speculation of local breeding

A party of 6 Mandarin Ducks (2 adults and 4 full grown immature birds on the Rver Calder at Ossett gives suspicians the birds have bred fairly localy.They were found at the border fence with Dewsbury Sewage Works this afternoon.Also in the same stretch of river 2 Green Sandpipers feeding on the...


28/08/2013 13:05

Little Egret showing well this morning

A Little Egret was feeding on the River calder at Ossett this morning.The best place to view the bird is on the footbridge at the bottom of Healy Road looking up river towards Dewsbury.On the right hand side of the river their is a pebble bed and the bird spent all morning feeding there then...


27/08/2013 21:14

Mandarins back on the Calder this morning

2 Mandarin Ducks were on the River Calder near Hot Works Mill this morningEarlsheaton.Also 2 Pochard in the same area.No sign of the shoveller from yesterday and Teal numbers were less than 30 but still single Green Sandpiper and 3 Common Snipe on the bed closest to Hotworks Mill and no sign of the...
