Its worth a visit

Visitors notice

20/12/2009 19:31

The introduction of the new licencing system must be counted as been a great success.This was very noticeable on my most recent trip to the Gambia from thec 15th to 22nd of March

Anyone walking from Kololi down towards Kotu severl months ago would undoubtably have been surrounded and presssurised by any number of giudes fo their buisness.On my most recent walk in this area I came across only one guide who was very pleasant and informative and after a very brief exchange I was continuing my walk to Kotu.

At Kotu itself only 4 or 5 guides were in the office and these people too conducted themselves in ac ver polite and more orderly manner.It has to be said that ther is now a much more noticeable military prescence in the area and this is no doubt contributing to thesituation.We saw at least 1 unlicensed giude being removed from the site very positively indeed.

So lets hope this more orderly approach will continue asd it will undoubtedly bring about more buisness for the local licensed guides and will createa much more relaxed environment for the birder and casual tourist.




08/08/2012 12:11

Site of Sand Martin colony at Ossett totaly wiped out after heavy rains

The Sand Martin colony at Kerries Foods on the river calder has been totaly wiped out with not a single burrow left visible from the oppositte bank. This follows the disasterous Spring and Summer we have had to endure this year.Only around 2 pairs managed to rear a single chick the rest as last...


07/08/2012 05:11

Second brood of young Goosanders seen at Ossett

A female Goosander with three youngsters was on the River Calder at Ossett yesterday.As with the previouse record the birds were in the area of the Iron footbridge at the bottom of Healy Road. Also on the river bank at thje same site a Common Sandpiper was on the stone bed near Kerries foods at...


29/07/2012 20:24

Yellow Wagtails again on Dewsbury Sewage Works

There was 2 Yellow Wagtails on the filter beds of Dewssbury Sewage works yesterday.Also around 200 Common Swifts and some 120 House Martins over the same filter beds. Nearby the expected build up of Warblers on Kerries Reserve appears to be starting with some 12 Chiff C and some 15 Whitethroats...


25/07/2012 14:09

Water Rail breeds succesfully on Dewsbury Sewage Works

A Water Rail with two chicks was found on Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning.The family are on the site of the main Reed Warbler colony and responded to a tape played once the give away calls were heard.There were at leasy 160 Corvids mainly Jackdaws and Carrion Crows all at the Eastern end of...


25/07/2012 07:20

Hobby over Thornhill Rectory Park

A Hobby was hawking over Thornhill Rectory Park yesterday afternoon.There was about 100 Hirrundines with around 45 Swifts circling  above the Parrish Church around 14:30 hours and the Hobby was flying above them for about 30 minutes before flying in to the park iself.


24/07/2012 10:50

Some recent local records

There is a flock of some 72 Lapwings in the fields around Mill Bank Thornhill.These birds seem to be transitting between Horbury Wyke and our area. A female Yellow wagtail is on Dewsbury sewage works ths morning hanging around on the filter beds at the Eastern part of the works. There are...


17/07/2012 11:35

Reed Warbler colony being filled in on Dewsbury Sewage Works

It must be very frustrating for breeding birds on Dewsbury Sewage works.When ever we have a success on the site Yorkshire water seems to excell in obliterating it for the following season. We have seen this so often in recent years.Little ringed Plovers which were as reliable as anything for...


14/07/2012 08:02

Quick news from the Gambia

My colleague Pa Jallow informs me that whilst visiting Marrakissa on the 12th of this month he recorded African Scops Owl just outside the Lodge perimeter.


13/07/2012 19:54

Some Local News

A Greenshank was on Horbury Wyke yesterday afternoon. This afternoon there was 3 Common Terns and an Arctic Tern on the fishing pond behind the Ship Inn in Ravensthorpe. These birds were seen to catch a very good quantity of small minnow type fish before departing to the East after a couple...


11/07/2012 12:57

Continuose rain taking its toll on our local Birding areas

As you can see on our more recent pictures on my photo gallery the non stop sequences of rainfall has at last rendered some of our local birding spots in accessible. Much of the habitat on our local reserve at Kerries foods Ossett is under water and cant be good news for the healthy amount of...
