Its worth a visit

What a surprise.2 Whooper Swans arrive on Dewsbury Sewage Works

06/03/2013 18:55

2 Adult Whooper Swans flew in from the South East at 11:10 on to the central lagoons on Dewsbury Sewage works  this morning.This is the first record for about 8 years for this species on this site(the last one being an immature bird which stayed for 1 week.

Also today single Green Sandpiper on the circular settling tanks and some 145 approx Pied Wagtails on the filter beds at the Eastern end of the Sewage works.

Nearby still single Chiff Chaff on Kerries reserve Ossett but otherwise generaly quiet.

A single Mink swam across the Calder near the bottom of Healy Road Ossett at 12:15 and disapeared on the river bank near Kerries food factory.

