Its worth a visit

Whitethroat and House Martins return to local sites.

13/04/2016 11:00

A Common Whitethroat was found on Dewsbury Sewage Works this morning.Had I not gone to inspect a couple of alarming Blackbirds in a reed bed I am sure I would never have noticed it.It was sat preening itself in the weak sunshine before it dived into the Phragmitese.Then it was easily located by its continual blowing call of alarm as it passed on towards the roadbridge linking the works to Saville Town where there is an abundance of Willow Bushes.

There where small numbers of Swallows and Sand Martins in my part of the valley this morning and in one party of 6 birds 4 House Martins swooped low showing their lovely white rumps and underparts.

Elsewhere on Kerrie's plantation 3 singing Willow Warblers and 2 Blackcaps as well as 3 singing Chiff Chaff.

Its nice to find 3 seperate singing male Greenfinches this morning just around the Chickenley/Pildacre area.Also what a surprise to find 2 Redpolls carrying nesting material at a very typical location.

3 Common Buzzards where over Chickenley at 09:30.

Duck numbers much as yesterday with 14 Shovellers,9 Gadwall,5 Tufted Ducks and 15 Teal. all flighting between the River Calder and the sewage works at Dewsbury.A Common Kestrel was hovering over Mill Bank Thornhill at 10:15.

