Its worth a visit

Whitethroats still slow to appear but Swifts make a welcome return

25/04/2012 11:54

A very wet morning brought aroundc 240 Swallows on to the filter beds at Dewsbury Sewage works along with some 35 House Martins ,a single Swift and around 25 Sand Martins.

Around 8 singing Willow warblers were on Kerries and Mill Bank with at least 6 singing Blackcaps.Otherwise migrants were absent with only 3 singing Chiff Chaffs near Kerries fods this morning.There is still a single Green Sandpiper on the Calder near earlsheaton and a pair of Goosanders  on the river near the bottom of Healy Road Ossett.A second Swift was over kerries Reserve flying very low at 08:30 this morning.

