Its worth a visit

Whoever would have thought that wed have Common Buzzard breeding only minutes from Dewsbury Town centre in this day and age

21/05/2013 17:32

A Common Buzzard was flushed from a typical nest site this afteroon only about a stones throw away from Dewsbury Town Centre

Also in the valley this morning 5 singing Reed Warrblers and 3 singing Sedge Warblers on Dewsbury Sewage works and 2 pairs of Gadwal on the same site

2 Pairs of Coot have raised youn on this site but still no records of Lesser Whitethroat yet.

A single Grasshopper Warbler was reeling on Kerries Reswerve this afternoon and the first Reed Warbler of the summer was singng on the reserve as well.

Theres a party of some 85 House Martins, 22 Swallows over the Calder near the willow  plantaton opposite the Factory  kerries Foods

