Its worth a visit

Yellow Wagtail at last appears on my patch.

26/08/2014 20:19

An immature Yellow Wagtail is feeding along with around 180 Pied Wagtails and 9 Grey Wagtails on the filter beds at the eastern end of Dewsbury Sewage Works this afternoon.

This is the first record I have on my local patch this year and the species seems to be getting scarcer locally year by year.

Water levels on the river Calder are high at the moment and so the duck numbers on the Sewage works are starting to increase.This afternoon numbers included 42 Mallard and 22 Teal as well as the 3 female Tufted ducks on the Calder with their almost fully grown youngsters still numbering 18.

Also on the works 3 Green Sandpiper and 15 Common Snipe all concentrated around the Western (Hotworks end of the works).There is still 4 adult Little Grebe with 2 juveniles on the 2 water beds.

Hirrundines on the filter beds amounted to some 240 approx with around 180 Swallows,30 House Martins approx and the same number(30) of Sand Martins.

There are 6 Grey Herons on the works and 8 Cormorants on the river calder between the canal basin in Dewsbury and the iron bridge at Healy Road Ossett

There is still 1 Whitethroat on Kerries Reserve Ossett and at least 9 Chiff Chaff on both Kerries and Dewsbury sewage works but there appears to have been a major departure of small migrants over the last few days.

